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Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain Park

Multiple posts in one day.  Something must be wrong.  Yet, all is well, albeit extremely wet.  I just find myself with time to do the things I should have done all along.  That brings us to our current location, Stone Mountain Park, Georgia.  I’m guessing most of you know of Stone Mountain, Georgia but just incase, here is quick recap.  Stone Mountain is the largest single block of Granite in the world.  Yes, its that big.  There is a tram that takes you from the park up to the top where you can walk around, sort of like a lunar landscape, and see quite a ways off.  That’s Stone Mountain.  Oh, there is one more thing, the largest relief carving in the world.  It is of Generals Lee and Jackson along with Jefferson Davis.  Not going to get political here.  The carving is what it is.  It was interesting, going up the tram to the top the attendant gave us all some historical facts about the mountain and the carving.  Just so happens, he did not name the people whose images are there.  The words Civil War did not come up at all.  I wonder how long the stories been told that way?  My guess is, about 2 years or so.

Anyway, did not get a bunch of photos but did get a few.  At the base of the mountain is an amusement park of a sort.  They have a rather large Dino Land and some of their displays wag their tail and move their head.  Got a movie or two of that.

After we climbed the mountain, ok we took the tram up and down, but we could have climbed it.  There is a mile long trail from a parking lot at the bottom to the top.  We thought about going for it, but then I remembered my bathroom emergency from the day before and decided that since along that mile there were not even any trees let along bathrooms, we would give it a miss.  But, we could have done it!

Where was I.  That’s right, after we did our mountain thing, we had a quick bite for lunch back at our RV then we headed out to the Stone Mountain Historic Square.  It is a collection of houses and outbuilding that represent the area during the time span of the 1700’s through the 1800’s.  The houses were not grand, but they probably represent more truly what a house of that period would look like.  Got quite a few pictures.  Normally, I tried to get a picture of the sign and then the bldg. or room.  I feel that helps to keep things in order

Let’s see, Stone Mountain, Historic Square, that brings us through the day and up to today!  Does this mean I am actually caught up?  Wow.  Just a few more notes, last night we all went to a wonderful Japanese restaurant.  My nephew Zack and his lady Anna joined us as well as family friends Mike and Maryanne.  It was great to catch up and while there we decided that Passover 2023 would be in Colorado with all the family attending.  We did think to call Becky and let her know since it will be at her house. 

Today, as the rain continues to drench all around us, we are going to have lunch with an old friend from England.  Hard to believe its been about 30 years since we’ve seen her.  Then its back with everyone go go out for dinner before tucking in for the night.  Tomorrow we have about a 250 mile drive to Charleston, SC where we will be for 4 nights visiting our niece Jenny and our nephew Josh.  Ok, they are Steve and Susie’s children and I guess that fact comes first but this is my blog so…

One last thought, the rain.  It started raining, quite hard, about 2 hours ago and it is expected to continue to rain hard for about another 5 hours.  In Colorado, it would rain hard for about 20 minutes then stop.  Its been quite sometime since we’ve been in a day long deluge.  Oh well.


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