Quick Update

Yes, I know. No posts for a few days Ronn must be getting lazy already. Well, I guess that is partly true. We’ve been here in Lookout Mt, Georgia/Ternnessee for 3 days now. We’ve been on the go each day and I have more than a ton of pictures to organize and post. We are traveling to Stone Mt, Georgia today and since it is a short drive, we should get there early enough for me to have time to post. But, until then, here are a few pictures to whet your appetite. Oh, and since we are in Georgia, that is a new state sign to see in that section of this blog.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jo-Anne

    Lovely shots! Enjoy!

    1. rgreengas

      Thank you. Looking forward to visiting with you when you join us in a couple of weeks.

  2. Sharon

    Last time I was at Stone Mountain was 1979 wow getting old but loved it!

    1. rgreengas

      Well, the mountain has not changed much since 79 but the area around it sure has grown up.

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