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Saguaro National Park

Our first journey today was to Saguaro National Park. It was one of my Mom’s and Roy’s favorite places and it has become one of ours as well. Amazingly, we were here just 3 years ago and it looks pretty much the same. We took the short .5 mile loop hike that is right inside of the park entrance. The weather was quite cooperative, it was only in the low 80’s with just a hint of a breeze. As always seems to be the case in the desert, the sky was a beautiful bright blue (if it had been red we would have either been on Mars of in quite a bit of trouble).

We have a travel partner with us on this journey, my big brother, Steve and his oh so much better other half, Susie. They came all the way from Southern Florida to see the desert south west. Then they will rush back home so they can be there when their son, Zach, walks across the stage and receives is Bachelor’s Degree. Its quite a long drive for them but we sure are glad they made it. Traveling with family is much more fun.

I am still trying to get this blog thing to work so please work with me.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ronn

    Thanks Liz. Was it easy to move around the site?

  2. Elizabeth Cassidy

    Great pics. Have a wonderful time! Liz

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