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Hot Air Balloon Ride

I know over the years some folks have claimed, for what reason I do not know, that I am full of hot air. Well, maybe that’s true and maybe not, but I can tell ya’ one thing, that balloon we rode under yesterday was for sure and I’ve got the pictures to prove it.

It all started in Pagosa Springs, CO yesterday morning. Ok, it actually started in Aztec, NM very very early yesterday morning. My cousins Scott and Sharon met us at our RV at O’dark 30 (5:00am) and off we went with a goal to get to Pagosa Springs by 7:00am. Now one problem of getting to a small mountain town that early in the morning is that not much is open and at this point, we all needed a bathroom break. So while the drive through at the McDonalds was open, it was not an option. Lucky for us, there was a grocery store that had just opened and served our needs quite well.

Ok, enough of the bathroom data, this post is about the Balloon ride!

We met up with our fellow balloonists in a parking lot near some tennis courts and sure enough right at 7:00 am a van with a trailer pulls in and low and behold (ok, I know I’m getting a bit dramatic) the balloon complete with basket was inside. It took a while for the team to set things up. It was interesting to see how the process actually goes. I always thought that they filled it with hot air and up you went, but no.

Actually, they got out two very large fans and used them to push air into the balloon until although still on its side, it was quite full. Then they opened up the gas jets and heated the air that was already in there and sure enough, up she went. There were so many people there that they did the ride in two shifts and we were part of the second one. So we got to watch the first group go aloft and then we just stood around and chatted for a while until we were told it was time to get in the chase vehicles. There was not a lot of wind yesterday morning so it seemed to us on the ground that the first group went up and did not really go very far. In reality, they traveled about a mile.

We caught up to them as they were landing in a parking lot. The pilot brought the balloon down right over the top of a building. The first group disembarked and we got in and off we went. We were told that our group was a bit lighter than the previous one so we got to go higher up, about 1,000 agl and we traveled a few miles from our starting spot. It was quite a thrill. So quiet well except for the noise of the two propane jets when the pilot had to add some hot hot air.

We landed in a housing area, and watched as the team put it all away then we were taken back to our original starting point, the parking lot, and were treated to a Champaign toast. While the ride only lasted a bit over 30 minutes, it will provide a life time of memories and if anyone ever doubts my story, I have the photos to prove it. Oh, and videos. It seems that with this blog I can also post videos so check them out.

Ok, enough on this for now, time to post the pictures and then get ready for our trip today to Mesa Verde National Park.


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Sharon

    We also got a sing song Monty python rendition during the toast complete with coconut horses. I think the top of my head got toasted as we took off

    1. rgreengas

      The ground crew ensemble was funny. I got the feeling this was not the first time they’ve done that routine.

  2. Jan

    What an adventure!

  3. Ryan

    I am not a fan of heights but a balloon ride seems so peaceful outside the short bursts of the burners which I imagine are loud in the basket. I think I saw a hole in the balloon in one of those pics – I am sure that’s okay but with my heights fear I would have been questioning it while going up.

    1. rgreengas

      Sarah is not a fan of heights either and she was presently suprised that she had no issues. I did see a hole in the baloon as they were setting it up but I guess judging by the results it was not an issue, although I made sure not to tell Sarah about it.

  4. Susie mersal

    Very cool.

    1. rgreengas

      Yes it was. Maybe there is something like that at Oshkosh?

  5. Ellen Ritt

    Very cool always wanted to do a hot air balloon ride.

    1. rgreengas

      Even though it was a short ride it was soooo worth it!

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