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McGilpin Point Lighthouse

Hello Again Family and Friends

Ok, it has been a while.  Yes, I admit it, I’ve not been keeping up with my posting.  But, I have been keeping up with taking photos.  I’ve got lots of them to post.  Now you might think that I am just going to say a few words and then shove all the photos online.  Sorry, nope.  I have 6 separate areas of photos to post and I’m going to try and give each of them their due. 

I want to start off with a place we went to last year and just could not resist going to again.  The McGilpin Point Lighthouse.  I did not take that many pictures this year, you can go back to my facebook page of Evergreen-Travler and do a search on McGulpin Point and you can see how much it really has not changed in one year.

The lighthouse has not changed, but last year Sarah and I were traveling on our own and this year, of course, we are joined by my brother, Steve and his lovely much better other half, Susie.  Its important to understand this because of the few pictures I took at the lighthouse this year, Steve features in a few of them that I think you will find a bit interesting.

Another change for us during our visit this year is that Sarah has really taken to learning how to draw so we take photos of what would be interesting subjects and she goes from there.  At the lighthouse, she was intrigued by the iron spiral stairs.  She is doing amazing by the way in her drawing.  I doubt I will be able to get her to share something she has drawn but I will try.

Last year Sarah and I drove the less than a quarter of a mile from the lighthouse to the beach.  This year, wall took a leisurely walk through the woods to get there.  The path was a gentle slope, amazingly going down hill to the beach and up hill back.  The trees were wonderful to photograph, so bright and green.  On the beach we found a crawdad.  I think it was a dead crawdad but I did not bother it to find out.

Oh well, enough on McGilpin Point Lighthouse.  For those of you keeping track, the next post will be about a place called Horseshoe Falls.  Spoiler alert – it involves waterfalls.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sharon

    You tend to forget how much shorter Sarah is while doing a selfie yes? But she has beautiful eyes! Would love to see her drawings!

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