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Wawatam Lighthouse

Hello Family and Friends

I know I said this review would be about the Paulson House, but that would have put things out of chronological order.  So, as I continue to get all caught up on my photos and travel I find that we are now at another Lighthouse.  This one is in St Ignace, MI and is called the Wawatam Lighthouse.  Not a lot of pictures because well, it was your basic lighthouse.  You could walk out to it, and walk around it, but no access to the inside.  And really, it was not all that tall anyway.

But, just to show that you never know who you are going to bump into when you travel, Sarah almost literally walked into her former Admin Assistant, David Broom.  Actually, truth be told (just to show that I do tell the truth every now and then) David was standing there as Sarah walked by.  He coughed rather loudly to get her attention.  Quite amusing really.  Got some good pictures of it.

While we were in St Ignace, which is right over the bridge from Mackinaw and on what is officially known and the Upper Peninsula or UP, we stopped to enjoy some of the local food.  And when you are in the UP, you are going to eat Pasties.  As you can imagine, lots of jokes were made and lots of laughing was done over that name just remember, that the type that stick on to cover nipples has a long a sound while the food has the short a.  Keep that in mind and you will be good.

So what is a Pastie, well, think of a folded over piece of dough filled with meat, potatoes and some veggies.  Kinda like big ravioli or small cannelloni.  Quite tasty.  They were originated for farmers to take out in the fields for lunch.  Now, if you are thinking that they originated in the UP, well, you’d be wrong.  Years ago, when Sarah and I lived in England, we went to Cornwall where the Pastie was born.  Can’t say which is better because I don’t remember how good they were all those years ago.  Lets just say, Pasties are worth the trying.

Ok, this review turned out a bit longer than I thought it would, but I could not leave out the Pasties.

The next update will be on the Paulson House.  I promise this time.


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