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New Selfies

Just a quick little post. I have 3 new selfies, 2 from the Pima Air Museum and one from the outstanding restaurant we ate at last night, El-Berraco. It was seafood so how could you go wrong. I’ll add the photos to the selfie file and the Pima file but thought I would give them the courtesy of their own post.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ryan Barnhart

    Ron – I came over from the VL FB group! We visited the boneyard a few years ago. They used to do tours perhaps they are not doing that now due to the pandemic? If you have time you should still make the drive around it as it is still impressive if you are into military aircraft. Miles and miles of aircraft out in the open air.

    1. rgreengas

      Hey, fellow VL owner! They are not doing the tours right now, big surprise, but we did drive around the boneyard. It was awesome as always. The last time we were out here we stayed at the Famcamp on base so we were right next door. This time we are at the Lazy Days KOA parked between a Lemon tree and a Grapefruit tree. Right now its snowing back in Denver so we are just loving life.

  2. Sharon

    Seafood in Arizona? Got some oceanfront property to sell you?

    1. rgreengas

      Hey, with jet travel they can get anything anywhere at anytime. The seafood at the restaurant was great. Then a few days later we went to a buffet that had sushi and well, just not so good.

  3. Debbie Anderson

    I got it

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