Aztec, NM Durango, CO and Hot Air Balloon Ride

Hello Family and Friends

We are now safely tucked in at the Tico Time River Resort in Aztec, NM.  As far as RV parks go, this one needs some work.  Yes, they are located on the Animas River, yes, they have very good free wifi, yes, they have good water pressure and their 50amp service is stable.  But, we are parked basically on a sandy beach that is not near the river and as far as other amenities, this place is quite lacking.  Their web site says that they have live music on the weekends and since we will be here for a week, we will check that out.  So far, its just ok.

Our purpose in coming here is to visit my cousin Scott Loss and his much better other half, Sharon.  They recently moved down from Idaho to Farmington, NM which is a lot closer to us, so we figured that we would swing by on our way back home.  We got in yesterday, had a few issues with the new RV like I overflowed the fresh water tank so it was running out the overflow pipe into the sand.  The other issue was somewhere near the washing machine we had a leak last night.  Got it all cleaned up but it might be something to add to the warranty list for our visit to the Service Center at the end of August  The other issue last night was a mind fart on my part.  Its been quite nice at night so far on this trip, temps go into maybe the upper 50s.  But, here in Aztec, it gets a bit cooler.  In fact it got down to freezing last night and I had forgotten to turn on the furnace.  So, at about 5 am I waddle on down from the bedroom to the kitchen where the control panel is and sure enough, it says that inside our RV it is a toasty 45 degrees.  Well, always being someone who can recognize and problem and implement the correct solution, I turned on the furnace and got back in bed.  Within about 30 minutes it had warmed up nicely  I promise you, I will not make that same mistake again.

Today, was a fun day with my cousins.  After touring their new house, they named it the Adobe Cube, we headed up to Durango, CO for some Himalayan food which was outstanding.  The owner of the restaurant, who is also the chef, started his working life as a Sherpa taking people up and down Mt. Everest.  He then got into cooking, studied in Europe for 8 years, and then moved his family to Durango, CO and opened up his own restaurant.  The food was amazing as was the beer from India which was served ice cold in an ice cold pint class.  Ah, such is the life of being retired.

Our goal after lunch was to visit the Aztec Ruins National Monument but by the time we got there they were only 30 minutes from closing, so, it will have to be another day.

Tomorrow, is an early and I do mean early morning.  Scott and Sharon will be at our RV at 0500 so we can go to Pagosa Springs for a hot air balloon ride.  We’ve never been in a hot air balloon before so we are quite excited. 

Other events we have planned for this visit include a trip to Mesa Verde, National Park, checking out some nearby Hodo’s (sorry if that’s not spelled correctly) and just spending time with family which of course is always the best time spent.

So, that’s my update for now, sorry, no photos this time.


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