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Pictured Rocks

Hello Family and Friends

Have you ever traveled somewhere and there are all kinds of signs telling you that a specific area is “just like a picture”?  Those places seem to all over the country and to be honest, and I’m sure you would agree with me, most never live up to their hype. 

On this trip we stayed at an RV park near a place called, Pictured Rocks.  This is part of the coastline of Lake Superior on the Michigan UP and to see it you have to take a boat cruise.  You know, one of those sightseeing boats that go up one way so the people on the right can see the sights and then comes back the other way so the people on the left can have a turn.  The cruise we took had a bit extra involved because it went about 10 minutes past the point of return, and we got to see a wonderful waterfall. 

There were a lot of tourists from other countries on the boat.  I spent quite a bit of time helping them take pictures of each other.  Being a very private and introvert person, it took a bit for me to do that but I managed to find a way. 

The rocks were amazing.  You will see in the pictures the colors and shapes.  There was one tree I took a few pictures of that was standing on top of an outcrop that had very little soil.  You will see in the picture that the root grew across the gap to the rest of the coast so it would get to some soil to grow in.  There were a few arches and there was one area that just a few months ago had a bunch of rock fall into the water.  According to the captain of our boat they were actually on a tour when the rock slide  in so the folks got to see it.

Now I’m not much of a geologist, but from what I remember the rocks on the coast are sandstone which is a very soft rock making it able to form the amazing shapes you see.  Overall, I think I took about 80+ pictures so please, sit back and enjoy.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jo-Anne

    What a feast for the eyes!

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