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On Saturday, ok so this post is just a little late but give me some slack. Yesterday was a complete down day for us. Other than a little straighten up we did nothing. I think I watched several documentaries and took a few naps while Sarah napped and read. It was indeed glorious. I did not even turn on the laptop.

So where was I, oh yes, Saturday we went to Tombstone. I’m sure everyone has heard of the place, OK corral, the Earp brothers, Doc Holiday, etc. Come on, think back to your childhood, it will come to ya. Got it? Good, may I continue now? Thanks

Tombstone, in a little over 150 years has become a tourist mecca complete with docents all dressed up to show you what things were “really” like back in the day. They have a few places that put on gunfight shows, one says you can see 5 people killed in just one gun fight. Of course there is the recreation of the OK corral shoot out. So lots of gun action to be had.

We were in Tombstone just a few short years ago. While there, we took lots of pictures of all the goings on and posted them on the FB page. I was thinking about not taking any pictures this time and just reposting what we took then, because after all, nothing has really changed, but that would be cheating, and while I may be many things (depends on which side of the political isle you are on) a cheat is not one of them.

But you know me, I can’t resist taking pictures and while I did not take a lot, I did cover the most important parts of the town as you will see. First of course is the giant Rose Tree. It was in bloom and I’m sure it is soooo much bigger than it was the last time we visited. My next favorite picture is of the urinal in the Big Nose Kate Saloon. It is, well…. it just speaks for itself. I took a few photos of the courtyard of the courthouse where the gallows were. Now, one would think that in a town like Tombstone that particular structure would have seen lots of business. While you may think that, you’d be wrong. Only 7 people were hung in Tombstone.

Oh, I almost forgot. There was a big burro (or little burro as it were) event going on in town while we were there so I got a picture of that, and, my MIL and FIL are big fans of Audie Murphy, so I got a picture of the sign outside the “Official” Audie Murphy Museum.

So there you have it. Tombstone. And just remember, I’ll be your Huckleberry!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. John Daniels

    If you guys come over here to Yuma…let me know!

    Would love to see youz guyz…

    1. rgreengas

      We’d love to see you as well, but this is about as far west as we are going this trip. Just soaking up some Tucson sun, relaxing, and enjoying life. How bout you

  2. Debbie Anderson

    So 1 issue and I’m sure I am doing it wrong, I can’t click on the pictures and make them bigger.

    1. rgreengas

      I saw the same thing. Going to attack that today.

  3. Jan

    Saw Sarah behind bars but are you sure she wasn’t looking in on you?

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