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Coronado National Monument

On our way to Tucson, while overnighting in Bernalillo, NM, we saw a sign for the Coronado National Monument. Being the history buffs that we are, it did not take much effort to convince ourselves to go and pay the Monument a visit.

It seems that for a very long time, there were rumors that Coronado had come this far north on his travels to find gold. Rumors, but not real evidence. But during the very recent past, such evidence was finally found. Yea, we now know for a fact that Coronado was here. We also know for a fact, that he never found a true city of gold, but that as they say, is another story.

The location of this place is, well, its in the desert. Not really surprising since that is what the entire Southwest is. What is interesting is the remains, some original others reconstructed, of the living quarters of the people who were here at the time of the Spanish Conquistador’s visit. The homes were quite typical for those of that day. It seems the fad to be different from your neighbor had not struck home just yet. Most were multi story and only had entrances from the top level.

The site borders the Rio Grande River. According to one of the signs, over the centuries the location of the river has actually moved a quarter mile further away from this village. That means, at least according to the signs, that when Coronado visited the area was much greener then it is today.

Well, enjoy the pictures, I know we enjoyed the walk.


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